I'm writing today because it's been far too long since I've updated you on our beautiful sponsored children! I will not be sharing their names for their privacy, but I will share a picture or two and a little bit that I know about them.
Our first student has a smile that hits you straight in the heart. You know that he’s got to be a bundle of fun to have in class and oh so charming.
He is 7 years old and his name means “it is well”. I could learn a lesson in just his name. He’s the oldest in his family and has a little brother. I can’t wait to meet him some day as well. They MAKE cars and enjoy playing with them. (Notice the artwork in his thank you note below....I think that's a car on the right.)
He also enjoys playing ball. Maybe a future soccer star?? He owns a cat and was so proud of it that he ran to get it to show Laura (from our charity Love Alive International) when she was in town.
If he got to pick his favorite meal it would consist of rice, macaroni and cassava. When he grows up, he wants to be a driver. I hope he’s a good one (at least better than me).
Thank you all for the part you play in making his education possible. Have a great day knowing he's happy in school today because of you!
Love - Leslie
PS - The only reason we exist is to help Little Gems like this. Please stop by our store to keep him in school next year.